In 2 Tim. 4:7 Paul testified that he fought the good fight of the faith; we need to fight the good fight of the faith, fight for the faith, realizing that our service to God is a warfare, not being entangled with the things of this life, and lay hold of the eternal life. This […]
Fight the Good Fight of the Faith for God’s Economy by Laying Hold on the Eternal Life
Praying at the Incense Altar for the Growth unto Maturity for the Formation of the Army

The prayer at the incense altar issued in the numbering of the children of Israel for the formation of an army to fight for God’s interest on earth; we need to be those praying at the incense altar for the growth and maturity of the believers so that an army can be formed. The Lord […]
We Need to receive the Revelation concerning God and God’s Economy for God’s Building

Even though the word economy is not used in the Old Testament books, yet the typology of Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers unveils God’s economy; we need to receive the revelation concerning God and God’s economy. In these books we see the economy of God in pictures, while in the New Testament we see it in […]
Possessing the Good Land by Conquering the Satanic Chaos to Triumph in the Divine Economy

As today’s Calebs fighting for God’s interest, it is crucial for us to see a vision of the all-inclusive Christ typified by the good land and to conquer the satanic chaos and triumph in the divine economy by the grace of God. On one hand God wants to bring us all the way into the […]
The Church as the Bride is a Corporate Army Fighting for God’s Interest on Earth

The church as the bride of Christ must also be a warrior to defeat God’s enemy, and Christ will return for his prepared bride and defeat God’s enemy. The church is composed of a group of people who are regenerated with the divine life, and they are built up on God’s life to be the […]
Israel’s Encamping and the New Jerusalem: God’s Purpose is to be Mingled with man!

If we look at the picture in Numbers 2 with the glasses of God’s economy on, we will realise that the children of Israel encamping in array typifies God’s redeemed people being consummated as the New Jerusalem. The more we consider this picture the more we adore God for His plan, for His sovereignty, and […]
God is Mingled with Man to form a Fighting Unit of Eternal and Perfect Government

It is quite wonderful to see that, according to the book of Numbers, in the Israelites encamping in array, their formation shows us that God is mingled with the created man, forming a unit of eternal and perfect government. In the first chapter of Numbers we see the formation of the army to fight for […]