God appeared to Abraham and called him out of his land and out of his house to a land that He would give to him and to his seed after him. If we read the record in the book of Genesis, we see that Abraham sojourned in the land of Canaan, having God’s appearing and […]
Experiencing God at Shechem (knowing God), Bethel (house of God), and Hebron (fellowship)
A Built-up Church Has the Presence of God – God’s Presence is Everything to us

After seeing that God’s desire and His focus today is to build up the church for the preparation and bringing in of the New Jerusalem, we need to continue to see the conditions of a built-up church today as depicted by the conditions of the New Jerusalem. The church is the miniature of the New […]
Question on Facebook: what do you love the most in the home meetings of the church?
what do you LOVE the most in the home meetings? What aspect of the home meeting you really enjoy? – here are some responses from what some saints on facebook have shared. You know, the homes are the God-ordained way for us to be – both humanly and spiritually – born, cared for, cherished, nourished, loved, shepherded, raised up, perfected, blended, trained, and even matured. We need the homes – not just the “home meetings”, but the homes of the saints. [read more online a wonderful sharing about the importance and sweetness of the homes in the church life]