Every day we as believers in Christ need to be watchful by paying the price to buy the Spirit as the golden oil so that we may supply the churches with the Spirit for the testimony of Jesus and be rewarded by the Lord to participate in the marriage dinner of the Lamb. Amen! In […]
Twelve Ways to Pay the Price to Buy the Spirit as the Golden Oil in our Experience
We Pray for our Beloved to Come and Set up His Kingdom on the Earth: Come, Lord Jesus!

As lovers of Christ, we are advancing with Him in the divine romance until we pray for our Beloved to come and set up His sweet and beautiful kingdom to fill the whole earth, for when He comes faith will be turned to facts, we will love Him in shadowless perfection, and we will serve […]
Dealing with our Concepts and our Hypocrisy by Caring for the Living Christ in us

We need the Lord’s light to shine on us that we may see the obstacles that God’s life encounters in our heart, such as the darkness of our human concepts and hypocrisy; we need to take care of the living Christ in us and deal with any obstacles to His life. Amen! The Lord as […]
Love the Saints by Ministering the Spiritual Foot-Washing to them in the Church Life

As believers in Christ and members of the Body of Christ, we all need to learn to love the brothers and sisters by ministering the spiritual foot-washing to them to cleanse them from the earthly touch; though this means we are being limited, we need to practice this in mutuality. The Lord Jesus washes […]
We need to Learn to Discern the Spirit from the Soul and have a Keen Sense of Life

If we would live according to the principle of life, we need to discern the spirit from the soul and know the spirit; the key to having a keen sense of life is to love the Lord and drop our opinions. Amen! We believers in Christ have another life in our spirit – we […]
Build up Christ to Work our Own salvation for the Body of Christ, God’s Masterpiece

We need to be those who build up Christ to work our own salvation for the Body of Christ, God’s poem, His masterpiece! Like Noah, we need to be those who receive the revelation from God, walk with God, do the work that changes the age by building the present Christ as our salvation […]
Learn to Hear God’s Word and Listen to Him to Fellowship with Him and Minister to Him

As Samuel grew under the custody of Eli, he learned the lessons and took heed of the warnings, and he was taught the way to minister to God; in particular, he learned to listen to God’s word and receive God’s speaking, for His speaking is everything to us. Eli did at least one thing […]