In order for us to live in the reality of the Body of Christ together with the other members of the Body, we all need to have the consciousness of the Body of Christ; in the Body, there can be no independence or individualism but rather, we treasure the Body, we are members, and we […]
Living in the Reality of the Body by having the Consciousness of the Body of Christ
Entering into Full Fellowship with the Lord and with the Fellow Members of the Body

Jacob was selected and chosen by God even before he was born. However, throughout his life he schemed and struggled to obtain the birthright and the blessing, and he wanted to have his way with everyone – even though the blessing was his by God’s choice. He cheated on his brother Esau, tricked his father to give him […]
the full time training is for the building up of the Body of Christ! (short testimony)
Even though I was in the FTTL for a short period of time, I was brought into the realization of a lot of things. WE NEED TO BE TRAINED! After one month and one week of short term training, I realised that 2 years is definitely necessary. In the training, you are brought on the high mountain and you enjoy God’s presence and His infusion. Can you imagine – Moses went up to the mountain and stayed there to enjoy the infusion of the Lord for “JUST” 40 days, and this caused him to express the glory of God? What about being in God’s presence for 2 years? [testimony from a brother who recently joined the FTTL short-term]
our horizontal fellowship with other believers depends on our vertical fellowship with the Lord!
We have seen previously that once we were regenerated, we received the divine life – and this life brings us into the fellowship of life, the fellowship of the apostles, the fellowship of the Spirit, which is the unique fellowship in the Body of Christ. On the one hand, we have fellowship with the apostles […]
Day by day, we are continuing steadfastly in the teaching and fellowship of the apostles
Today I was encouraged with the fact that we can continue steadfastly in the teaching and fellowship of the apostles. In the Lord’s recovery, we are being recovered back to the teaching of the apostles (the proper teaching of the New Testament concerning Christ and the church) and the fellowship of the apostles (the fellowship […]