Our being saved by grace, being raised up together with Christ and seated together with Him in the heavenlies and having access to the Father are for the building up of the church, His Body, through growing into a holy temple in the Lord. Amen! This week we come to the third week in […]
We are Saved, Enlivened, and have Access to God for the Building up of the Church
Have a Total Consecration, Overcome the World, and Stand on God’s Word in Spiritual War

We can overcome and change the age by paying the price to forsake the world, learning to fellowship with God on the altar of total consecration, and standing on God’s word to defeat the enemy by fighting the battle in the Body. Amen! The four journeys that Elijah and Elisha took before Elijah was […]
Fellowship is the Flow of the Divine Life within and among us, the Circulation in the Body

We need to see and enter into the intrinsic fellowship of the churches, which is the flow of the eternal life within, through, and among all the members of the Body of Christ, the circulation in the Body of Christ. This week in our morning revival we come to the main topic of, The Intrinsic […]
Based on the Blood of Christ, God Forgives and Forgets our Sins and we Fellowship with God

Praise the Lord, God is propitious to our unrighteousnesses and He forgives and forgets our sins according to the new covenant, based on the blood of Christ! And the more He forgives us, the more we love Him and fear Him, for He forgives and forgets our sins, erasing them from His memory! Praise the […]
Setting Time to Fellowship with God Daily to Enjoy Him and Be Satisfied with Him

As believers in Christ, we need to have set times to fellowship with God, rise up early in the morning to touch Him in our time with Him, draw near to Him, enjoy Him, and absorb Him; before we can do any work with God and for God, we need to keep God’s Sabbath by […]
We need to Trust in God and Absorb the Riches of Christ to Grow with the Growth of God

Blessed is the man who trusts in God, for he drinks of the fountain of living waters and grows with the growth of God! Amen, may we be those who absorb the riches of God by spending much time with God, so that we may grow in life in a normal and proper way for […]
Living Stars Rise up Early to Meet the Lord and are Filled with the Spirit to be Messengers

Christ is the Bright and Morning Star, and as we spend time with Him in His word, He rises in our heart as the star, and we ourselves are produced to be stars shining in this dark age. As the Lord’s faithful followers, we need to be produced as shining and living stars; this age […]