We enter the veil so that we can go outside the camp and follow Jesus in His sufferings and persecutions; we are empowered by the resurrection life subjectively to suffer one with the Lord taking the way of the cross and follow the suffering Jesus. This is a deep experience in our Christian life […]
When we Enjoy the Resurrection Power we are Empowered to follow the Suffering Jesus
the desire of God’s heart is set on Zion with Christ – will you be an overcomer?

The key to becoming an overcomer is to give the Lord the preeminence, the first and best love! Loving the Lord, eating the Lord, and being His testimony (see Rev. 2) go together – this is the key to being an overcomer! We are not the super-giants spiritually (Rev. 3:8), but we have little power and don’t deny His name! It is out of the mouths of babes and sucklings that God has established praise (Psa. 8). Will You be an overcomer? AMEN! Will YOU make this choice? AMEN! Lord, make me an overcomer! [continue reading this sharing inspired from message 3 in the recent training on the Psalms]
building up Christ in our experience so that we may enter into Him and abide in Him

These past few days we’re enjoying the fact that we need to daily work out our own salvation by building up Christ in our experience. Just like Noah built up the ark, we are building up a practical and present Christ today in the church life. Just like Noah entered into the ark after he […]
This wonderful all-inclusive Christ as the compound Spirit becomes our replacement daily by firing us and replacing us with Himself!
The Christ revealed in the book of Isaiah specifically is so rich: He is not just the Redeemer and the Savior, but He is so much more! God’s economy is simply that this Wonderful Person, Christ, would be worked into our being little by little, so that He would replace us with Himself in an […]
enjoyment from “The way to do the work of an evangelist(2)”, podcast 20 at ageturners.com
Did you manage to listen to podcast #20 from AgeTurners.com? The title is “The Way to do the work of an Evangelist(2)” – Doing the work of an evangelist may seem like a difficult and intimidating task. However, the ministry of the age presents us with the practical way to accomplish this, and that way […]
How do I know if I am in the flesh or in the spirit? Knowing the inner sense of life…
This has been a puzzling question to myself. Perhaps, most of us, though we’ve been in the church life for quite some time and have some growth and experience of the Lord, at some point we’re brought to a place of wondering in our being asking ourselves, “Am I in the flesh or in my […]
learning Christ in a subjective way, being taught in Him and learn from Him
Ephesians 4:20 says, “But you did not so learn Christ”. What does it mean “to learn Christ”? To learn Christ does not mean that because Christ loved people, we should also love people. This is merely imitation. To learn Christ does not mean that we imitate Him; it means that we, within whom Christ dwells, have […]