There is a difference between the sufferings that are for our transformation or as a result of our mistakes and the sufferings that are for the Body; we need to experience the power of Christ’s resurrection to share in Christ’s sufferings for His Body, that is, for us to suffer for the Body. The […]
Sufferings that are for our Transformation vs Sufferings of Christ for His Body
Aspire to Know the Fellowship of Christ’s Sufferings by the Power of His Resurrection

We need to aspire to know the fellowship of Christ’s sufferings; first, we receive the power of His resurrection, and then by this power, we are enabled to participate in His sufferings and live a crucified life in conformity to His death. Amen! This week we come to the second part of Phil. 3:10 […]
Characteristics of the Unique Ministry of the New Testament, the Ministry of the Age

The Lord’s recovery brings us back to the unique ministry of the New Testament; this ministry has many wonderful characteristics, and the issue of being under such a ministry is that we are betrothed to the Lord Jesus, we are for the building up of the Body, we are sanctified, we function in our measure, […]
We need to Experience and Enjoy Christ with His Humanity for the Building of God

If you read Ezekiel 40-48 and have the Lord’s divine light shining in your reading, you will realize that we have to experience and enjoy Christ for the Body in a detailed and specific way, as shown in all the features and details of the holy building of God. From the wall to all the […]
living by the resurrection life to be in the reality of the Body of Christ

Paul’s aspiration and prayer in Phil. 3:10 was that he would know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death. We need to ask ourselves, How much do we live, serve, and do things in the resurrection life? We may have a good coordination with […]
areas in which the Lord Spirit may operate to apply the resurrection life in us
In resurrection, Christ became the life-giving Spirit and He was given to be the Lord and Christ over everything. Now He is the Lord Spirit (2 Cor. 3:18) transforming our soul by imparting the resurrection life to our mind, emotion, and will… There are so many ways that the resurrection life and our appreciation for the real meaning of resurrection life impact us as members of the Body of Christ! … The Lord Spirit may cause some of us to be like Paul and aspire to know the power of Christ’s resurrection, to know it experientially! For some, they may have little interest or aspiration, but the Lord will produce in you a desire to know in your experience the power of Christ’s resurrection! [continue reading some sharing from brother Ron’s message on the resurrection in the 2011 winter training]