The divine fellowship is the reality of living in the Body of Christ in the oneness of the Spirit; the divine fellowship blends us and restricts us, keeping us in the oneness of the Body of Christ. We need to realize that we all are members of the Body of Christ, and even as local […]
As we are Blended and Restricted in the Divine Fellowship, the Body is kept in Oneness
The Fellowship of the Eternal Life (1) – Truth Series 2

The Fellowship of the Eternal Life (1) – This is the second portion of the Young Adults Truth series, given during the 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic and the lockdown that ensued. Praise the Lord, even during such a time, we can fellowship together, we can be under the Lord’s speaking, and we can be infused with […]
Bringing the Saints into the Fellowship and Blending Life of the Entire Body of Christ

We need to follow in the apostle Paul’s footsteps to bring all the saints into the blending life of the entire Body of Christ. On the one hand, we ourselves need to enter into the fellowship and blending life of the Body, and on the other, we need to cooperate with the Lord to bring […]
Being Blended in the Body Life and having the Humanity of Jesus for the Church life

In order for us to be a meal offering church life for God’s satisfaction and man’s supply, we need to be blended in the Body of Christ and have the humanity of Jesus for the Lord’s recovery. God and man are hungry. God is hungry for the God-man living of Christ being lived out in […]
The Fellowship of Life is Everything to us; it Tempers us and Blends us for the Body

The fellowship of life is not merely one of the many lessons we learn in our Christian life; the divine fellowship is everything in the Christian life. If we don’t have a proper vertical fellowship with the Lord and a solid horizontal fellowship of life with the fellow brothers and sisters, God is not real […]