In the organic aspect of God’s complete salvation, feeding in shepherding (even mutual shepherding) is the nourishment of the divine life for us to grow unto maturity, and dispositional sanctification constitutes us with God’s divine nature for us to be sanctified in our nature to be as holy as God is holy. Hallelujah! God’s […]
Feeding in Shepherding to Nourish us and Dispositional Sanctification to make us Holy
Daily Eating and Enjoying Christ as the Reality of all the Offerings for our Food

Jesus Christ, our High Priest, testified that the living Father sent Him and He lived because of the Father; He ate the Father and lived because of the Father, and now we as the sons of God and priests to God need to eat Christ and live because of Him (John 6:57). Our food as […]
Are You on the Line of Death or on the Line of Life? Are You Eating the Tree of Life?

The tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil are not part of “an ancient story” which has nothing to do with us today. Rather, all the way from Genesis to Revelation we can see these two trees developing in two lines – the line of life and the line of […]
Advancing in our Growth in Life to Overcome Death and Transcend All Frustrations

The record in the first chapter in Genesis is not merely to inform us of how God created the earth and all things in it, neither is it merely to show us the order in which God created everything. If we have the glasses of God’s economy on, we will clearly see that in Genesis 1 we […]
begetting through the gospel, feeding others with spiritual food, and building with precious materials
For us to build with gold, silver, and precious stones, we need to be constituted with the divine nature of the Father as gold, the redemptive work of Christ as the silver, and the transforming work of the Spirit as the precious stones. We as builders need to become these precious materials in order to build others with them and help them also become precious materials. We need to be transformed to be precious materials by being daily constituted with the Triune God, and we will be built into the house of God. Then we will be qualified to build the house of God with other believers as the transformed materials… [continue reading online]