When we were regenerated, we became members of the Body of Christ – where Christ is the Head and we, the believers in Christ, are the many members of the Body. Just like in a human body, whatever the head does/has/attains unto, it is the same for the body (of the head). If the head […]
All that Christ has attained and obtained is to the church!
our work is actually our living, and we live to magnify Christ!
These days, whenever someone speaks about working for the Lord, everyone thinks of a great work, something he does in a special way in a special time set apart for this, etc. The phrase “working for the Lord” has been so spoiled from what the Bible says about it. Paul says in Phil. 1:22, But […]
God’s heart’s desire and His eternal purpose, His economy, are related to man!

From eternity past to eternity future, God was, is, and will be. He simply exists: He existed even before time began! But at one point there was a council in the divine Trinity – The Triune God took a decision, He had a counsel – He wants a corporate expression in this universe (Gen 1:26)! For this, […]
our Christian life is a life of preaching the gospel by loving one another
Until the Lord comes, since we are saved, we preach the gospel through our living, our attitude, our words – our very Christian life is a preaching of the gospel. Actually, according to Paul’s word in Phil 1:5-6, it is Christ who does this good work of preaching the gospel. Christ preaches the gospel in […]
We need to eat Jesus every day as the tree of life, He is our real food!
God’s original intention in His creation of man can be seen in Genesis – after He created man, He placed man in a garden with lots of trees good for food! God gave man only one “commandment” – take care of your eating! Don’t eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, […]
the meaning of our Christian life
God’s intention with man is seen in a consistent way from Genesis to Revelation. In the book of Genesis, after creating man, He didn’t give him a list of to do/not to do things – God placed man in front of the tree of life (indicating that God wants to be man’s life – He’s […]