God does not want a good man but a God-man; He doesn’t want a perfect, upright, moral, and ethical man who is full of integrity, one who fears God and turns away from evil, but a God-man filled with Christ to express God and represents Him. This week we are still on the crystallization-study on […]
Allow God to Gain us and Fill us to be a God-man who Lives Christ to Express God
Christ’s Incarnation and God-man Living Fulfilled God’s Intention in Creating Man

Christ’s incarnation and God-man living fulfilled God’s intention in creating man. God’s intention in His creation of man was fulfilled in Christ’s incarnation and His God-man living, for Christ expressed God in His rich attributes through His aromatic human virtues. Christ’s incarnation was for the fulfillment of God’s intention, and His human living also was […]
The Church as the One New Man Fulfills the Twofold Purpose of God in Creating Man

The church as the one new man is the corporate man in God’s intention in creating man, and this new man will fulfill the twofold purpose of expressing God and fighting God’s enemy to bring in His kingdom. When God created man in His image and according to His likeness, He stated His intention: He […]
God’s Central Thought and Arrangement are Related to Man, for Man is to Express God

It is very significant that the One sitting on the throne in Ezek. 1 has the likeness of a man and the four living creatures bear the appearance of a man; this shows us that the four living creatures are the corporate expression of the man on the throne (see Ezek. 1:5, 26). Ezekiel 1 […]
Struggling with God and Being Transformed by God into Israel, a Prince of God

God selected Jacob and chose him to be His expression as a prince of God, and Jacob went through a long process of transformation and maturity to become one who not only wrestles with God but also is a prince of God, expressing God and representing Him on earth. It is amazing to see in […]
Like Jacob, We have been Called for God’s Purpose and Our God is the God of Dealings

In the story of Jacob as recorded in Genesis we see how God chose him, selected him, and then called him. Even though he started out by struggling, fighting, and supplanting, by the end of his life, Jacob became Israel, a prince of God, one who was expressing God and representing Him on earth. Jacob […]
Seeing God’s Purpose in Creating Man and Cooperating with God to Fulfill His Purpose

Why did God create man? Why is man so special, among all other creatures and animals? Why does the Bible say that man has God’s image and likeness? There must be a purpose in God for which He created man. Was it just because “God is lonely and wants someone to fellowship with Him”? Or […]