Concerning the Triune God, the Bible tells us of the Father of glory, the Son being in glory and being glorified by the Father, and the Spirit of the glory and of God; our Triune God is a God of glory and we’re children of our Father being brought into glory! Hallelujah! The Triune […]
Christ is the Effulgence of God as the Father of Glory Infusing us and Glorifying us!
One with God, Live God, Move with God, and Represent God to Function as the Acting God

As believers in Christ who have been chosen, redeemed and regenerated by God, we are one with God, constituted with God, live God, express God, move with God, and represent God so that we may function as the acting God. Amen! It is not only Paul that could be the acting God but also […]
One with God to be Jesus Living Again on Earth today for His Corporate Expression

Paul, a man of God, was the acting God in comforting the believers, in conducting himself in the simplicity of God, in expressing the jealousy of God, and in being an ambassador of Christ to carry out the ministry of reconciliation; we can also function as the acting God today. The Lord is looking […]
God’s Good Pleasure is Related to the Earth, Man, and Christ being Revealed in us

The desire of God’s heart, God’s good pleasure, is what makes Him happy; the Bible reveals that God is happy with the creation of the earth, the creation of man, Christ’s incarnation, His baptism, His resurrection and glorification, our return to Him as prodigal sons, and when His Son is revealed in us. Again and […]
The Body of Christ can either Express Christ or Limit Him in what He wants to do

In order for His will to be done on earth and for His eternal purpose to be fulfilled among us, God needs our cooperation; the Body of Christ can either express Christ or limit Him in what He wants to do. Oh, Lord! How much we need the Lord’s shining on the way we live, […]
Having the Spiritual Reality of the Rainbow Manifested in the Church Life Today

This week we have been prayerfully considering the spiritual meaning and application of the rainbow around God’s throne, and our realization is that the spiritual reality of the rainbow needs to be wrought into us so that we will have the appearance of a rainbow, bearing God’s testimony. God’s testimony is multi-colored: His divine attributes […]