We need to be instructed, governed, ruled, and controlled by the word of God, and we need to learn to enjoy the Lord with the saints in God’s presence in the unique place of His choice, which is our worship to Him. In Deuteronomy we see God’s work spoken through Moses, and in particular we […]
Being Controlled by the Word of God, we Worship God by Eating and Rejoicing before Him
God’s Eternal Purpose is to Produce a Group of People Exactly the Same as He is

God’s eternal purpose in the universe is to gain a corporate man, a group of people who will be exactly the same as He is; this is the unique subject of the Bible. This week we come to a new topic in our morning revival, The One New Man Fulfilling God’s Purpose in Creating Man, […]
Becoming a City that is Lovely to the Lord and an Army that is Terrible to the Enemy

We as lovers of Christ should be both lovely and lovable to the Lord and terrible to the enemy, both a city and an army with banners. Loving the Lord with the best love and advancing in the divine romance will bring us into spiritual warfare with the enemy. On the one hand, we enjoy […]
The Spiritual Warfare of the Church as the New Man: God wants us to Exercise His Dominion

Our God wants us to exercise His dominion on earth by participating in the spiritual warfare of the church as the one new man. God’s intention in His creation of man is for man to express Him and represent Him; He wants man in particular to represent God by having dominion over all things and […]
Being Fully Reconciled to God by being Brought into God to be One with the Lord

As believers in Christ, we have been initially reconciled to God through Jesus Christ, but now we need to be further reconciled to God by being brought into God to be in God and one with God practically. We were born in our sins and offenses, enemies of God and strangers to the covenant of […]
The Church is the One New Man to Fulfill God’s Purpose to Express and Represent God

The highest definition of the church is that the church is the one new man, and for this new man we all need to take Christ as our person. We may know that the church is the household of God and we are the many members of this divine-human household, and we may enjoy the […]
The Church is the present Sabbath Rest and the Unshakable Kingdom of God today

The church is the enlargement of Christ, and, as revealed in Hebrews, the church is the real Sabbath rest and the church is the unshakable kingdom of God; coming to the church is coming to the new covenant and to the heavenly New Jerusalem. There are many wonderful and glorious aspects of the church revealed […]