What is the reality of the Body of Christ? How can we know the reality of the Body? Is the Body of Christ merely something spiritual and intangible, or can we know the Body in reality? The reality of the Body of Christ is the Spirit of the reality of the Triune God. The reality […]
The Reality of the Body of Christ is the Spirit of the Reality of the Triune God
Experiencing the Spirit as the Spirit of Glory and the Sevenfold Intensified Spirit

One of the most neglected yet crucial matters in the Christian life is the Spirit. If we read the Bible we see that there are many titles for the Spirit of God, starting from the Spirit of God and the Spirit of Jehovah in Genesis to the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of life, the Spirit […]
Seeing the Progressive Revelation concerning the Spirit in the Word of God

God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow (Heb. 13:8), and He never changes; He is perfect in Himself, self-existing, and ever-existing without needing to have any improvement, change, or perfecting. However, in His relationship with man, we see that God went through certain processes. In the beginning of the Bible we see the Spirit […]
enjoying the law of the Spirit of life – all things work together for good!
Romans 8:28 tells us that all things work together for good… and as for that “good” what we really need to think is “God.” Because ALL things work together for our gaining more God in our being. Whenever I used to hear this verse, I always thought to myself, Yes, even in this situation, under […]