In the book of Colossians, there are a number of important phrases that point to our experience of Christ; as we read and pray over this book, we will have a complete picture of the proper experience of Christ. In this book we see that Christ is in us, we are full-grown in Christ, […]
Seeing a Complete Picture of the Proper Experience of Christ as seen in Colossians
Have the Excellency of the Knowledge of Christ to Gain Christ and be Found in Christ

In Phil. 3:3-16 we see that Christ is the goal of our pursuit; we need to have the excellency of the knowledge of Christ and pay the price to enjoy Him, be found in Him, experience Him, gain Him, and experience Him in His death and resurrection for the Body. What a Christ we […]
Exercising our Right to Enjoy Christ in our Spirit by Pursuing Christ to Gain Him

Like Ruth, we need to exercise our right to partake of the rich produce of Christ, the reality of the good land; we are part of God’s elect, we are joined to the Lord in our spirit, and we can pursue Christ to gain, possess, experience, and enjoy Him. Hallelujah! The book of Ruth is […]
Pay the Price to Learn the Truths and Experience Christ to Speak the Truth and Minister Life

We need to pay the price to learn the truths and experience Christ so that He may become our reality; in this way, when we speak to people, we don’t give them mere knowledge or doctrine but we minister Christ to them. May the Lord save us from not receiving the love of the truth […]
Let’s pray for the saints to proclaim the glad tidings concerning Christ as our life

Dear saints, let us pray that the saints would proclaim the glad tidings concerning Christ as the eternal life for our experience and enjoyment, the One who changes all our death into life for God’s expression in humanity (John 2:1-11; 10:10b). What is the glad tiding that God gave us? It is the bestowing of […]
The Culture within us is Spontaneously replaced by the Christ we Enjoy and Experience

The culture within us is spontaneously replaced by the Christ whom we enjoy, experience, and gain. As believers in Christ who have received Christ, we should not allow culture to be a substitute for Him; rather, we need to enjoy Christ, experience Christ, and live Christ, learning in a practical way to take Christ as […]
Human Culture is a Frustration to Experiencing Christ and it Opposes God’s Kingdom

We need to realize that the whole of the human culture opposes God, and culture is a frustration to God’s purpose concerning Christ and the church, for culture frustrates us from experiencing Christ, growing in life, and arriving at a full-grown man. From its very beginning to its development until today throughout the ages, culture […]