For us to be good ministers of Christ Jesus, the primary thing is to exercise our spirit, even build up of exercising our spirit unto godliness to live Christ in our daily life and speak for the Lord both to people and to the things around us so that we may be filled inwardly […]
Build up a Habit of Exercising our Spirit to Live Christ and Speak Christ to Others
We Labour on Christ by Exercising our Spirit, caring for the Deep Sense in our Spirit

The key to labouring on Christ, experiencing Christ, and producing Christ is exercising our spirit; we need to take care of the inner sense in our spirit, the deepest part of our being, and exercise our spirit in all things in order to labour on Christ day by day. As believers in Christ, we […]
Taking Time to Absorb Christ by Exercising our Spirit of Faith and being One with Him

We need to have a full realization of what we have in Christ, and we need to exercise our spirit of faith to partake of all that is ours in Christ, spending time to absorb all the riches of Christ by the exercise of our spirit. As believers in Christ, we are made full in […]
We need to Respond to Christ’s Intercession by Exercising our Spirit to Intercede

Christ in the heavens as our High Priest intercedes for us before God, the Spirit in our spirit joins us in our weakness to intercede for us according to God, and we need to respond to Christ’s intercession by exercising our spirit to enter into His interceding life. On the one hand, the ascended Christ […]
Exercising our Spirit to Learn, Experience, and Minister the Full Gospel of God

As believers in Christ, we need to have the same realisation as the Apostle Paul: we were separated unto the gospel of God, and now we are priests of the gospel. The gospel of God is an all-inclusive, complete, full, and high gospel including the entire divine revelation in the New Testament, and when we […]
Receiving and Enjoying Christ as the Covenant by Exercising our Mingled Spirit

Our God is a covenanting God; He wants to enter into a covenant with man, and through this covenant, His heart’s desire is revealed to man. There’s no obligation from God’s side to enter into a covenant with us, but for our sake, He wants to assure us and cause us to be at peace; […]
Cooperating with the Lord by Exercising our Spirit to Pray and Put the Flesh to Death

In Exodus 17 Amalek and his people came to fight the people of Israel as they were on their journey to the good land to fulfill God’s purpose. Amalek didn’t just attack the people of Israel but they had a hand against the throne of God. Amalek tried to overthrow God’s throne, just as Satan […]