We Exercise our Spirit to live out Godliness for God’s Manifestation in the Flesh

 Today God is manifested in the church, for the manifestation of God is the proper living of the church; when we exercise our spirit, we are one spirit with the Lord, and godliness is our living, for God is expressed in us and through us. The Lord Jesus was the individual manifestation of God […]

We Exercise our Spirit to be Built up in the Church as the Dwelling Place of God

 The church is the house of God and the household of God – the church is the dwelling place of God, the place where He finds rest, puts His trust, and expresses Himself; we need to exercise our spirit to eat the Lord in His word to grow in life for the building up […]

Build up a Habit of Exercising our Spirit to Live Christ and Speak Christ to Others

 For us to be good ministers of Christ Jesus, the primary thing is to exercise our spirit, even build up of exercising our spirit unto godliness to live Christ in our daily life and speak for the Lord both to people and to the things around us so that we may be filled inwardly […]

To Exercise our Spirit is to Set our Mind on the Spirit and Discern Spirit from Soul

 For us to live a life of godliness in the church life for the expression of God in man, we need to exercise our spirit, that is, we need to set our mind on the spirit and therefore know the inner sense of life and peace, and we need to discern our spirit from […]

Exercise Ourselves unto Godliness by Exercising our Spirit to Receive God’s Dispensing

 We need to exercise ourselves unto godliness by exercising our spirit to pray and receive the divine dispensing; for this, we need to build up the habit of exercising our spirit, even forcing ourselves to exercise our spirit, for this exercise does not happen in a normal or default way. On God’s side, He […]

Enjoy Sanctification and Sonship: Chosen to be Holy, Predestinating us unto Sonship

 Our becoming God in life and in nature but not in the Godhead was initiated by God the Father in eternity past; He chose us to be holy (the same as Him in His holy nature), predestinating us unto sonship (the same as Him in His life), and we can partake of this by […]

Pay the Price to Gain Christ with His Riches and Know Christ by Experiencing Him

 As believers in Christ, we need to not only have the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus, our Lord, which comes by revelation, but also pay the price to gain Christ, gain His very person, by experiencing Christ in a subjective way. Amen! When Paul said in Phil. 3 that he wanted to […]