In serving the Lord we all need to be perfected by Him so that we may serve Him in an intrinsic way according to His desire. We need to realize that today in Christianity there are many who think they are “serving God” but they do not have a proper knowledge or experience of the […]
Seeing how the World Situation is the Indicator of the Lord’s Move on Earth
The Way to Fulfill God’s Economy is by Christ as the Sevenfold Intensified Spirit
As believers in Christ we are all serving ones: we have been saved by Christ to serve God, and we need to serve God in an up-to-date way by knowing the age, by realizing the way Christ fulfills His economy, and by spreading the truths of His recovery for His coming back. We need to […]
We can Receive and Flow out Grace by Turning to the Spirit and Enthroning the Lord
Our God is the God of all grace, Christ came in the flesh full of grace and reality, and the Spirit is the Spirit of grace; the entire Triune God is of grace, and today this grace is with our spirit (Gal. 6:18). What is grace? Grace is not merely unmerited favor that God gives […]
Paying the Price to Gain More God in His Divine Nature and being Blended Together
I never thought that the golden lampstand is related to the new revival the Lord wants to gain, but this week as we get into the crystallization-study of Exodus it is made clear to me that this is the case. The intrinsic significance of the golden lampstand is related to the highest peak of the […]
Three Crucial Points Concerning the Consummated Spirit and How to Enjoy His Supply
Nothing in the Bible is there by accident, and no term that God uses – especially when the Triune God is mentioned – is at random or accidental. The Bible is precise in using terms such as the Spirit of God brooding over the waters in Gen. 1:2, the Spirit of holiness in the Old […]
Enjoying the Blessing of Light becoming Life through the Function of the Word of God
The function of the word of God is the operation of God Himself, and when we come to God’s word as His loving seekers, we receive God’s blessing. The Lord is training us to be His loving seekers, those pure in heart and single in focus only for Him, so that we may enjoy the […]
Serving God in our Spirit in the Gospel of His Son, the Subjective Gospel of Christ
This morning while enjoying the Lord in His word with the help of the ministry of the age I was touched with the fact that our priesthood of the gospel is a matter in our mingled spirit. Paul told us that God is his witness how he serves God as a priest in his spirit […]