A proper Christian life involves keeping the faith for the participation in the divine riches in God’s economy; for this, we need to hold the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience so that we may enjoy all the riches of what God is and serve Him in a proper way. Amen! We need […]
Keep the Faith to enjoy God’s Riches & Hold the Mystery of Faith in a Pure Conscience
Faith is a Substantiating Ability for us to Enjoy God and Infuse God into Others

Faith is a substantiating ability infused into us by the Lord when we believe into Him; we live by faith, not by appearance, and we regard the things which are not seen, which are eternal, not the things which are seen, which are temporary. Amen! Faith is like a sixth sense which has been imparted […]
Exercise our Spirit of Faith to Believe God’s Word and Trust in God’s Keeping Power

As believers in Christ, we need to exercise our spirit of faith and keep our heart turned to the Lord to believe in His promises, to believe that He is with us, and to believe that we are well able to overcome, trusting in God’s keeping power and not having a heart of unbelief […]
Reign in Life and Enjoy God’s Dispensing to be those of the Race of the Overcomers

The Lord today wants to gain those who are of the race of the overcomers; we need to exercise our spirit of faith to declare that we belong to the race of the overcomers as we remain under God’s dispensing and enjoy His blessing to reign in life today. In the last book of […]
Have a Total Consecration, Overcome the World, and Stand on God’s Word in Spiritual War

We can overcome and change the age by paying the price to forsake the world, learning to fellowship with God on the altar of total consecration, and standing on God’s word to defeat the enemy by fighting the battle in the Body. Amen! The four journeys that Elijah and Elisha took before Elijah was […]
Stay on the Way of Life by Loving the Lord to the Uttermost and by Eating Him in His Word

We stay on the way of life by loving the Lord to the uttermost, drawing others to run after Him, and by eating Jesus through pray-reading on the Word, musing on God’s word, and ministering the Word as the Spirit into others. As believers in Christ, those who have been grafted into Christ, we […]
We have Faith in God, His Heart, his Word, His Will, His faithfulness, and His Sovereignty

We need to take up the shield of faith in our daily living, and we do this by having faith in God, in God’s heart, in God’s faithfulness, in God’s ability, in God’s word, in God’s will, and in God’s sovereignty. God’s heart is full of love toward us, and He has no intention […]