According to Zechariah, Christ is the seven eyes of the stone, the seven eyes of Jehovah, for God’s building; we need to open to the Lord’s seven eyes shining on us to search us, judge us, purify us, and infuse and transfuse us with Himself to transform us for God’s building. Christ is both […]
Open to the Seven Spirits to Burn us and Infuse us to Transform us for God’s Building
Our Prayer in the Position of Ascension is to Execute God’s Will and Administration

The position of prayer is the position of ascension; we need to be in ascension to utter prayers of authority, even authoritative commands before God, being one with Christ in His heavenly ministry to carry out His administration on the earth. There are many kinds of prayer, and we need to offer many prayers to […]
Becoming the Israel of God to Represent God and Execute God’s Government on Earth

When we do the will of God in the kingdom of God under the government of God, the issue is the church as the Israel of God, the church that represents God with His authority to deal with His enemy and bring in the kingdom of God on earth. Amen and amen! May the Lord […]
Responding in Prayer to the Lord’s Interceding, Ministering, and Administrating

For there to be the genuine reality of the new man among us, prayer is needed; this prayer is a particular kind of prayer, a prayer that is one with the Lord, responding in prayer to His heavenly ministry for Him to bring in the practicality of the new man. This week we saw something […]
We Set our Mind on the Things Above to Respond to Christ’s Heavenly Ministry in Prayer

In His heavenly ministry today Christ is interceding, ministering, and executing God’s administration, and we need to be those who respond to Christ’s heavenly ministry by setting our mind on the things which are above and corresponding to Him in prayer. For the Lord to gain the reality of the one new man lived out […]