As believers in Christ, we need to not only have the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus, our Lord, which comes by revelation, but also pay the price to gain Christ, gain His very person, by experiencing Christ in a subjective way. Amen! When Paul said in Phil. 3 that he wanted to […]
Pay the Price to Gain Christ with His Riches and Know Christ by Experiencing Him
Have the Excellency of the Knowledge of Christ to Experience Christ Subjectively

As believers in Christ, we aspire to know Christ in a subjective way, in the way of experience, for when we have the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus our Lord, we are able to count all things as refuse on account of Christ that we may gain Him and experience Christ subjectively. […]
We need to Think the one Thing: Enjoy and Experience Christ for the Church Life

In order for us to be one in soul, we need to think the one thing, which is the subjective knowledge, experience, and enjoyment of Christ; we need to think the one thing – pursuing Christ, gaining Christ, laying hold of Christ, and possessing Christ. It is quite impossible for all men to think […]
Follow the Pattern of Paul in Philippians to Take Christ as Everything in our Experience

We need to follow the pattern of Paul as seen in Philippians to take Christ as our everything in our daily experience. Paul did not just write to the Philippians to encourage them to go on with the Lord; he testified again and again how he took Christ as his everything in his experience. […]
Have the Excellency of the Knowledge of Christ to Gain Christ and be Found in Christ

In Phil. 3:3-16 we see that Christ is the goal of our pursuit; we need to have the excellency of the knowledge of Christ and pay the price to enjoy Him, be found in Him, experience Him, gain Him, and experience Him in His death and resurrection for the Body. What a Christ we […]
Having an Experiential Knowledge of Christ and Paying the Price to Gain Christ

For us to have the excellency of the knowledge of Christ is by revelation, but for us to know Christ is by experience – we need to have an experiential knowledge of Christ, that is, know and enjoy Christ in an experiential way. Like Paul, we need to desire to live in the righteousness of […]
Like Paul, we have the Aspiration to Gain Christ and be Found in Christ by All Men

Paul’s desire was to be found in Christ, not having his own righteousness but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is out of God and based on faith (Phil. 3:9). In the past, Paul was found by everyone in the law; he pursued the righteousness that came out of the law, […]