According to our experience and in light of Ezekiel chapter one, the highest point in our spiritual experience is having a clear sky with the throne above it. We need to have the spiritual experiences depicted in Ezekiel 1, from the open heavens with God’s direct speaking to having a clear and expanding sky with […]
The Highest Point in our Spiritual Experience is having a Clear Sky with the Throne Above it
We can Receive and Flow out Grace by Turning to the Spirit and Enthroning the Lord

Our God is the God of all grace, Christ came in the flesh full of grace and reality, and the Spirit is the Spirit of grace; the entire Triune God is of grace, and today this grace is with our spirit (Gal. 6:18). What is grace? Grace is not merely unmerited favor that God gives […]
Experiencing the New Jerusalem as a City Representing the Kingdom of God Today

In the book of Revelation we see Christ as the center of God’s administration according to God’s economy carrying out God’s administration for the fulfillment of God’s purpose. Particularly, Christ is carrying out God’s administration to care for the churches. Revelation starts with the seven churches and has the following statement toward the end of […]
Whenever we Enthrone God in our Being, we Enjoy the Flow of Water of Life Within us!

As believers in Christ we have the throne of God set up in the center of our being, and whenever we enthrone the Lord and take Him as the Head, there’s a river of water of life flowing within us. In our daily life with all the day-to-day activities and things, we need to enthrone […]
The Center of God’s Authority in the New Jerusalem is the Throne of God and of the Lamb

The New Jerusalem is the consummation of God’s eternal purpose and should be our experience and enjoyment today. The features and characteristics of the New Jerusalem should be our experience today in our Christian life and church life. The first thing we see concerning the New Jerusalem is the throne of God and of the […]
Receiving and Enjoying Grace by Exercising our Spirit and Enthroning the Lord

In our daily Christian life we need to know a practical and simple way to receive and enjoy grace. When we are at work, at home, on the bus, driving the car, or doing this and that, what is the practical way to daily receive and enjoy grace? The Bible shows us that grace is […]
God is Working on Us to Bring us to the Throne – We are Destined to Rule with God!

God desires to have a man on the throne with Him, ruling and reigning over the universe. For this, God Himself became a man: He brought God into man, lived a perfect human life, died on the cross, resurrected, ascended, and brought man into God! Now on the throne in the glory there is a […]