As believers in Christ, we need to bear the sign of resting with God to be filled with Him first, and then working together with God in oneness with Him, even working in and by the One who fills us with Himself. After God created man, He rested and was refreshed; keeping the Sabbath and […]
Bear the Sign of Resting with God to be Filled with Him first, then Working with God
Enter into God’s Rest to Enjoy God; God Rests when man Expresses and Represents Him

If we want to have the proper understanding of the Sabbath rest in Hebrews, we need to know the significance of the first mention of the Sabbath rest in the Bible: God created all things including man in six days, and on the seventh day He rested; man’s first day was a rest day, a […]
Feasting with the Lord by Entering into His Rest and Enjoying Him with the Saints

God desires that His people feast with the Lord, that is, that we as His people would be joyful and at rest with Him as we are feasting with the Lord and with the saints. The feasts and the matter of feasting is of great significance in the Bible, for as soon as God gained […]
Taking the Lord as our Real Sabbath Rest and Laboring with Him as our Strength
![Keeping the Sabbath is an eternal covenant assuring God that we will be one with Him by first enjoying Him and then working with Him, for Him, and in oneness with Him. The mentioning of the Sabbath here [Exo. 31:16] indicates that everything related to the tabernacle and its furniture leads us to God’s Sabbath, with its rest and refreshment in the enjoyment of what God has purposed and done. #ExoCS4, outline 11](
It is very significant that, after God gave Moses the specific instructions concerning the tabernacle and about the workers of the tabernacle, He reminded His people concerning keeping the Sabbath; keeping the Sabbath was a perpetual contract or covenant between God and His people, a sign showing everyone that they belong to Him (Exo. 31:13). […]
Working Together with God by First Enjoying Him and Entering Into His Rest

After God created man, He said, Very Good! and He rested. Man’s first day on earth was not spent in working for God or doing anything to please God but man spent the day with God in His rest. Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath! In Exo. 31:17 it says […]