In our prayerful study of the tabernacle with its furnishings, we realize that we need to become pillars in the Triune God, as signified by the nine pillars in the tabernacle, so that we may be one with Christ for many to enter into God’s building and even enter deeper into God Himself. This whole […]
Becoming Pillars in God’s Building to be an Entrance for others Deeper into God
Filed Under: Christ lives in me, Enjoying Christ, experiencing Christ, expounding the truth, His heart's desire, morning revival, our birthright, the Body of Christ, the Christian Life, the church life, the Lord's recovery, the Word of God Tagged With: a pillar in God's house, being built together, Crystallization-Study of Exodus, dealt with by the Lord, deeper experience of God, enter deeper into God, entrance into God, holy word for morning revival, mature and strong, pillars in the Triune God
The Pillars for the Screen and the Veil are those one with Christ to bring People into God

The picture of the tabernacle in the Old Testament shows us that our God is enterable; He wants His people not merely to outwardly serve Him but enter into Him through the screen (the first veil, signifying Christ who died for us to bring us to God) and the veil (the second veil, signifying the […]
Filed Under: Christ lives in me, Enjoying Christ, experiencing Christ, expounding the truth, His heart's desire, longings, morning revival, our birthright, serving the saints, the Body of Christ, the Christian Life, the Lord's recovery, the Word of God Tagged With: bring people into God, bring people to God, Crystallization-Study of Exodus, daily living a crucified life, enter deeper into God, holy word for morning revival, know the crucified Christ, preach the gospel, saving sinners, the veil is rent