In order for us to be faithful, normal, and proper Christians, the primary matter we need to care for is enjoying the Lord; our spirit needs to take the lead in enjoying the Lord, and we need to experience and enjoy Christ in His all-inclusiveness. Amen! We Christians are wonderful people and at the […]
Exercise our Spirit to Primarily take care of Enjoying the Lord in our Christian Life
Online Fireside Chat 5 – Dealing with Financial Anxieties, Enjoying the Lord while in Chronic Pain, and Speaking the Gospel to those who are not open

In this fifth Online Fireside Chat, we have brothers Ken Mooney, Mark Ruthe, and Ray Mulligan sit down with us to give some responses to the questions the young adults and students have asked. It is so good to have fellowship and be in the Body of Christ, even during the covid19 pandemic, and to […]
Holding the Faith, Enjoying the Lord, and Functioning as Members of the Body

The church in Pergamos, the church in union with the world, held the teaching of Balaam and the teaching of the Nicolaitans; what started as the practice of the Nicolaitans in Ephesus now became a teaching in Pergamos. The Lord’s speaking to this church as recorded in Rev. 2 is applicable to our situation today. […]
To Serve God is to Hold a Feast to God and Sacrifice to Him by Enjoying Christ

God delivered His people Israel from the tyranny of Pharaoh and the usurpation of Egypt so that they might serve Him; God delivered us from the usurpation in the world so that we may serve Him, that is, that we may hold a feast to God and offer sacrifices to Him. It wasn’t merely because God […]
Being Attracted by the Wonderful Christ, We’re Daily Enjoying Him in a Subjective Way

From the very first verse to the last verse of the New Testament the first and last name mentioned is Jesus. Jesus Christ is the center and the focus of the whole New Testament, and He is the center and focus of the entire Bible. This One is all-inclusive and all-extensive, and if you read […]
Not Being Proud but Honoring God (in Whose Hand is our Breath) by Enjoying Him

In the book of Daniel, we see three crucial matters: God’s heavenly rule (the heavens rule!), the preeminence of Christ, and the destiny apportioned by God for His people (especially Israel). God has an economy, a plan, and in His economy, He administrates the universe to fulfill His purpose, which is to make Christ preeminent […]
Bearing a Sign that We Are God’s People by Daily and Regularly Enjoying God

As believers in Christ and as those who are burdened for the building up of the church, the Body of Christ, we need to be those who bear a sign that we are God’s people. What is the distinctive sign that we are the people of God? There must be something like a ring, a […]