Love Prevails! There was so much that made a strong impression on me during my first NACT. One aspect that I enjoyed, in particular, was the process by which the Body builds itself up in love: Out from whom all the Body, being joined together and being knit together through every joint of the rich […]
Love Prevails: Love is the Way for God’s Goal to be Accomplished (2023 NACT)
We need to Know, Obey, Worship and Experience God as Jehovah, the Great I Am

As believers in Christ, we need to know, obey, worship, and experience God as Jehovah, the great I Am. All those who returned to the good land from captivity in Babylon were commanded to know, obey, and worship Jehovah; Our God is not only powerful and self-existing but also Jehovah, the I AM, the One […]
Partaking of and Walking According to the Divine Nature to Richly Enter God’s Kingdom

Through regeneration we have received the divine life and the divine nature, and now day by day we are practicing to live and walk not by our old nature with its habits but by the new divine nature with all its virtues. In Eph. 2 we see that we were once children of wrath by […]
A Picture of the Wonderful Church Life of the Saints, the Covenanted People of God

The church life as a mysterious God-man living of the resurrected people is seen in a seed form in Genesis 8 after Noah and his family got out of the ark, and is also seen in picture in the gospel of John. In chapters 2 and 12 we see that in the church life Christ […]