As believers in Christ, we live the grafted life by living in the mingling of the human life with the divine life. Hallelujah, we are organically united with Christ so that we may live a grafted life – a life in the mingling of God and man! As believers in Christ, we have been grafted […]
We Live the Grafted Life in the Mingling of the Human Life with the Divine Life
Loving the Lord and having the Growth and Transformation in Life to become like Him
![Oh, you are beautiful, my love! / Oh, you are beautiful! Your eyes are [like] doves. S.S. 1:15](
In the book of Song of Songs, we see the relationship between the experience of the divine dispensing and living in the divine romance; if we really love the Lord, we will surely have the growth and transformation in life, and we experience the divine dispensing to have a continual change in our growth […]
Reign in Life and Enjoy God’s Dispensing to be those of the Race of the Overcomers

The Lord today wants to gain those who are of the race of the overcomers; we need to exercise our spirit of faith to declare that we belong to the race of the overcomers as we remain under God’s dispensing and enjoy His blessing to reign in life today. In the last book of […]
God’s Intention is for us to become a Reproduction of Christ as the Tree of Life

In God’s economy, we believers in Christ are not only eaters of the tree of life but we are also branches of this tree, and we may eventually become a small tree of life, a reproduction of Christ as the tree of life! Amen! This week we come to the last week in this […]
We need God to Build Christ into our Intrinsic Constitution for the Building up of the Church

As believers in Christ, we need God to build Christ into our intrinsic constitution so that our entire being will be reconstituted with Christ; only in this way can we build up the church and can we be built up as the church. This week in our morning revival on the crystallization study of […]
God wants His All-inclusive, Extensive Christ to become our Everything for the Church

God wants that His all-inclusive, extensive, and preeminent Christ would become our everything for the church, the Body of Christ. The Christ unveiled in the book of Colossians is the all-inclusive, extensive, preeminent One, the centrality and universality of God’s economy; God wants to work such a Christ into us so that we may enjoy […]
I Confess my sins, Pray the Word, Read the Morning Revival, and Share with Someone

To begin with, my goal in having a time with the Lord every morning is to touch the Lord. This is always my focus – I must touch Him, I must enjoy His sweet presence and receive His dispensing into my being. I normally begin with confession of my sins, laying my hands upon Him, […]