being a Christian Student on the Campus – the fellowship with other students is encouraging

The thing that has really kept me going through the whole semester has been living in the brothers’ house next to the campus. Whenever things are tough or I just need to pray or read something I can touch the Lord with one of the brothers [continue reading online]

Being a Christian Student on the Campus – being with the saints imparts LIFE into me!

Being a college student is tiring, stressful, and discouraging at times. On top of that, working and being a student is a challenge at times because I often feel like my time is so limited. Although I feel this way, I always try to be with the saints. Going to the college meetings on Wednesday nights, being in constant fellowship with saints from around the world, going to the home meeting on Friday, and living in the sisters’ house has been such a daily salvation to me

being a christian student on the campus – take care of the Lord first and make a schedule!

If you give the Lord one hour, He will give you two hours back. Writing an essay is not a matter of ‘quantity’ of time, it’s a matter of ‘quality’. I’ve found that once I’ve enjoyed the Lord, my mind is calm and I’m able to sit down and actually get something done! If I start an essay without touching the Lord, it’s really like untangling a big ball of spaghetti!

Christ as our Salvation in the book of Exodus (sharing from the Student Camp in South Africa)

Praise the Lord for the student camps! Having grown up in the church life, I’ve been to many student camps before but this one was by far the most enjoyable ever! It was great to out in the middle of nowhere on a high mountain enjoying the Lord with fellow students and believers in the […]