The book of Acts reveals a group of people who live in the divine history within human history by continuing steadfastly in prayer and in the ministry of the word; they enjoyed Christ and became evangelists for the spreading of the gospel, being “loaded with Christ” as they went out. The disciples in Acts were […]
Continue Steadfastly in Prayer and the Word to be Loaded with Christ and Preach the Gospel
Enjoying the Triune God in the Divine Dispensing for the Building up of the Church

The desire of God’s heart is to have a built-up church as His house, His dwelling place with and among men, and the way He gains it in His economy is by His divine dispensing – the dispensing of the Divine Trinity into man for the producing and building up of the church. God does […]
Do not Replace Christ with Anything else but Live According to the Inward Anointing

It is very important to know that the One who firmly attached us with the other saints in the Body unto Christ and who has anointed us is God (2 Cor. 1:21). On the one hand, God is the One attaching us unto Christ, and on the other hand, He is the One who anoints […]
Enjoying the Spirit of Jesus Christ, the Spirit of Life, and the Spirit of Grace

The Bible gives us a clear revelation of the all-inclusive, processed, compound Spirit as the aggregate, the totality, of all the aspects of the Spirit of God. In Genesis we have the Spirit of God with the element of divinity brooding over the surface of the waters for the producing and bringing forth of life […]
God wants us to Enjoy the Triune God in Christ Today and for Eternity as our Feast!

This week in our morning revival time we have been getting deeper into the three main feasts that God ordained that His people Israel would keep: the feast of unleavened bread, the feast of harvest, and the feast of the tabernacles. To be honest, before this week I never thought of these feasts much, but […]
Blessing Others with the Triune God as their Enjoyment with No Natural Manoeuvring

Blessing, a word very much thrown around in Christianity today and yet so naturally understood, is nothing else than the Triune God dispensed into us to be our everything for our enjoyment. When Melchizedek met Abraham after he fought for his brother Lot and won, he blessed him with God the Most High. When God commanded […]
“That the World may Believe that You Have Sent Me” implies “Incorporation”

In the first six chapters of Zechariah we see eight mysterious revelations of Christ, beginning with Christ as a Man riding on a red horse among the myrtle trees. Throughout the book of Zechariah we see many aspects of Christ and many prophecies concerning His life and work. When God’s people see Christ in all […]