Psa. 23:5 is the fourth stage of the deeper and higher enjoyment of the resurrected Christ, where the Lord spreads a table before us in the presence of our adversaries and He anoints our head with oil, our cup runs over! What a rich portion! What a rich Christ! Right after our passing through the […]
You spread a table before me in the presence of my adversaries; You anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over
a turn from keeping the law and being good Christians to enjoying Christ and living Christ(Psa. 1-16)
In the Psalms we see the path, the struggles, and the expression of the human sentiments of some of God’s loving seekers. Godly men like David, Asaph, the sons or Korah, Moses, etc – they sought after God, pursued the knowledge of God, and wanted to experience and know God. But many times they said […]
to believe in the Lord is to receive Him; to love the Lord is to enjoy Him – we are nothing without Him!
This morning I was impressed with how short, how vain, and how passing man’s life is. David prayed to the Lord in Psa. 39:4-5, O Jehovah, cause me to know my end, and the measure of my days, what it is. May I know how transient I am. Behold, You have made my days as […]
Christian Students on Campus – some blogs filled with the enjoyment and experience of Christ!
I have recently stumbled onto and discovered some dear saints online – especially students – who are in the USA. As students, they meet on the campus and enjoy Christ together as “Christian Students on Campus” wherever they are. Of course, you can find such pages with such people on facebook also, and there are […]
in the age of the jubilee we are in the age of ecstasy – we are besides ourselves enjoying the Lord!
God intends to be man’s pleasure, man’s possession, and man’s inheritance – this is why He presented Himself to man in the beginning as the tree of life! But because man has lost his inheritance (which is God Himself) and his family (which is the Triune God and the family of God), man needs to […]
The Key to Experiencing Christ is our mingled spirit, and the best way to enjoy Him is to call on His name

How can we experience Christ? How can we contact God? God today is not only in the heavens, sitting on the throne, and He is not just ruling and reigning over everything – He is now as personal to us as being in our mingled spirit! When we received the Lord Jesus into us by […]