We need to learn from the pattern of David to be one with God, trust in God, enjoy Christ as the good land to the point of bringing in the kingdom of God, keep the proper order in the kingdom of God, and not avenge ourselves but accept God’s sovereign arrangement even when we’re […]
Learning to Keep a good order in the Kingdom of God, walk with God, and have God’s Presence
Let us pray for the saints to remember the Lord by selecting hymns and offering praises for the Lord’s person and work

Dear saints, let us pray that the saints would remember the Lord by selecting hymns and offering praises for the Lord’s person, human living, suffering, death, exaltation, and glorification (Phil. 2:5-11; Hymns, #86). Hymns, #86, stanza 1 Though Thou art God, most glorious, high, Thou in the flesh to us came nigh, A lowly man […]
Christ is the Shepherd according to God’s Heart Searching for His Sheep to Recover them

In the book of Jeremiah we see how Jehovah spoke concerning the shepherds, the rulers in Israel, mainly exposing their work of scattering the flock and promising to give shepherds according to His own heart; Christ is the Shepherd according to God’s heart. This week in our crystallization study of the books of Jeremiah and […]
As Priests and Levites we Enjoy God and Minister Christ while doing Practical Things

In the New Testament all believers are both priests and Levites, and all our service should be under the supervision of the inward, spiritual view of the New Testament priesthood. In the Old Testament those who served God were of two classes – Levites (who did more practical things, serving the tabernacle and the priesthood, […]
Witnesses of Christ bear a Living Testimony of the Christ they Experience and Enjoy

This week we come to a wonderful topic, being Witnesses of the Resurrected, Ascended, and All-inclusive Christ, and we want to see that we as believers in Christ are witnesses of Christ. Whatever we do and speak of, even concerning the wonderful and all-inclusive Christ we need to bear in mind that we are witnesses […]
In our Spiritual Experience Mount Moriah Becomes Mount Zion, the Reality of the Body

The God of Abraham is our God, and Abraham’s experience of God needs to become our experience of God also. One of the deepest and highest experiences Abraham had of God was at Mount Moriah, where God instructed him to go and bring his son, Isaac, as a burnt offering to Him. God tested Abraham […]
Being Heirs of Grace, Obeying God in Grace, and Enjoying Grace to be Rich Toward God

Isaac was born through grace, grew up in grace, became the heir of grace, obeyed in grace, and had grace multiplied to him. As believers in Christ, we were born through grace (not by works), we need to grow in grace, we are heirs of grace, we obey in grace, and we have grace multiplied […]