In the beginning of the Bible, we see that God created man in His image and according to His likeness so that man would express Him and represent Him. Man has the birthright to enjoy God, express God, and represent God. But man lost this birthright when he fell by being independent from God and […]
Exercising our Birthright of Enjoying Christ and Being Priests and Kings to God
Enjoying and Proclaiming the Jubilee to Bring Others to Enjoy their Birthright

God ordained that His people would inherit the birthright; He wants them to enjoy their allotted portion of the good land and to be priests and kings for God to be His kingdom on earth. But unfortunately many of God’s people have lost their land and even themselves due to poverty, and they had to sell themselves into slavery. […]
In the New Testament Jubilee the Birthright is Shifted from Israel to the Church

In the Old Testament, the birthright belonged to the firstborn son of a family. According to Exo. 4:22, Israel is God’s firstborn son, and for many centuries the people of Israel enjoyed the birthright. But when the Lord Jesus came, Israel lost the birthright due to their unbelief, and the birthright was shifted from Israel […]
Fighting for Our Birthright and being One with Christ to Redeem Other’s Birthright

All the believers in Christ have the birthright to enjoy God, express God, and represent God. However, not all believers enjoy and exercise their birthright. Rather, there are many Christians who do not know about their birthright; there are many believers who are defeated, who have lost their birthright, and who live in spiritual poverty. […]
Not Despising or Losing but Enjoying the Birthright we Receive in God’s Sovereignty

Jacob treasured and pursued to gain the birthright, Esau despised the birthright, and Reuben lost the birthright. Even though Jacob was born second, he wanted the birthright and even tricked his older brother Esau to sell him the birthright for a bowl of lentil stew (see Gen. 25:22-26). Later, with the cooperation of his mother, […]