If we as believers in Christ would possess the good land for the fulfilment of God’s purpose, we must engage in spiritual warfare to defeat the satanic forces; for us to gain the unsearchable riches of Christ, we must crush the spiritual enemies that hinder us from enjoying Christ. Amen! The good land of […]
To Enjoy the All-inclusive Christ, we must Engage in Spiritual Warfare and Defeat Satan
As we Grow in Christ, God Gradually Cuts off our Natural Life for us to Enjoy Christ More

As we grow in Christ, God gradually cuts off our natural life so that we may enjoy the all-inclusive Christ more for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ. The various pagan tribes that occupied the land of Canaan signify the different aspects of our natural life; God will not drive […]
Fight against the Evil Forces who are Veiling the All-inclusiveness of Christ from us

We need to realize that Satan and his evil powers work to frustrate the people on earth from contacting God and receiving Christ, and the evil forces are veiling the all-inclusiveness of Christ from God’s people; we need to fight the spiritual warfare one with the Lord and in the Body to enjoy the […]
Enjoy the All-inclusive Christ with His Unsearchable Riches as Everything to us

The good land of Canaan has a twofold significance in typology; on the positive side, it typifies the all-inclusive Christ with His unsearchable riches for our enjoyment, and on the negative side, it signifies the aerial part, the heavenly part of the dark kingdom of Satan. The good land is a type of Christ, […]
Seeing that there’s an Intense Battle for our Enjoyment of the All-inclusive Christ

If we read the Scriptures carefully, we will see that there is a battle for the good land, that is, there’s an intense battle for our enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ; the enemy does many things to keep us away from enjoying Christ as the all-inclusive One. Oh, Lord! This week we come to […]
Seeing a Complete Picture of the Proper Experience of Christ as seen in Colossians

In the book of Colossians, there are a number of important phrases that point to our experience of Christ; as we read and pray over this book, we will have a complete picture of the proper experience of Christ. In this book we see that Christ is in us, we are full-grown in Christ, […]
Christ is the Head of the Body, having the First Place, and He’s our Hope of Glory!

It is a blessing that we believers in Christ can know and experience the all-inclusive Christ as revealed in Colossians, in particular, that Christ is the Head of the Body, the church, that He might have the first place in all things, and that the all-inclusive Christ is in us to be the hope of […]