Grace is God Himself as our life to be one with us, to save us, to make His home in us, and to be formed in us; as believers in Christ, grace is with our spirit, and we need to grow in grace, that is, grow in the increase of God. Amen! God’s eternal […]
Grow in Grace by Growing with the Increase of God and Experience Grace in God’s Economy
Grace is the Manifestation of the Triune God in His Embodiment as the Father, Son, and Spirit

Grace is the manifestation of the Triune God in His embodiment in three aspects – the Father, the Son, and the Spirit; grace is the Triune God dispensing Himself into us in His Divine Trinity with the Father as the source, the Son as the element, and the Spirit as the application. Grace is […]
Participate in the Love of God, the Grace of Christ, and the Fellowship of the Spirit

For us to experience and enjoy the Divine Trinity in full is to participate in the love of God, the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit; as we enjoy the fellowship of the Spirit, we enjoy the grace of God and are brought to God the Father […]
Divine Government in the Church Life comes from the Throne of God by the Flow of Life and Grace

In the church life, there is a divine government, and this government comes from the throne of God and of the Lamb, flowing out to supply us with grace; the throne of God is the throne of grace to us in our experience today. According to the divine revelation in the New Testament, the authority […]
Grow in Life and Enjoy Grace to have the Gifts of Life and Function Organically in the Body

The organic function of the church is in the organic Body of Christ and in the local expressions of the organic Body of Christ; we must be organic and function organically in the church life, for we are members of the Body. The church is the Body of Christ, an organic matter; the church is […]
Sharing in God’s Economy by our Stewardship of Grace: Dispensing the Riches of Christ

The stewardship of God which was entrusted to us is the stewardship of grace, which involves our enjoyment of the riches of Christ and our dispensing the riches of Christ into others according to God’s economy. When God’s economy reaches us, it becomes our stewardship, for it is impossible for us to really enjoy the […]
God in Christ makes His Face Shine upon us and He is Gracious to us for our Enjoyment

In the eternal blessing of the Triune God as recorded in Num. 6:25, the second part says, Jehovah make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; this refers to Christ the Son who came as God’s shining and is grace to us for our enjoyment. This blessing in Num. 6:22-27 is the […]