From the very first verse to the last verse of the New Testament the first and last name mentioned is Jesus. Jesus Christ is the center and the focus of the whole New Testament, and He is the center and focus of the entire Bible. This One is all-inclusive and all-extensive, and if you read […]
Being Attracted by the Wonderful Christ, We’re Daily Enjoying Him in a Subjective Way
Let us Enjoy the All-Inclusive Christ as the Reality of All the Positive Things!

The focus and center of the heavenly vision is Christ Himself, the reality of all the positive things in the universe. The heavenly vision centers on Christ and takes Him as the focus, and this One is everything to us. The all-inclusive Christ lives in us to be our all, and He in us is […]
Living a Life of Sacrifice by Experiencing Christ as the Wine-Producing Vine

After seeing our need to know life, grow in life, experience life, and minister life, the conclusion is: we need to live a sacrificing life in the Body of Christ, and we need to minister life to the Body for the growth of the Body. The goal of God’s plan and economy is the building […]
desolation comes in when God’s people do not properly appreciate and exalt Christ
Our failure to give Christ the first place in all things – our failure to love Him with the best love and appreciate Him – brings in desolation and degradation. The problem of desolation can be solved by Christ being appreciated and exalted by God’s people (see Psa. 80:17). When Christ is enjoyed, appreciated, given the first place, given the preeminence in all things – when He is properly appreciated and exalted, the house and the city of God can be maintained, preserved, and built up! Our not giving Christ the preeminence and our not appreciating Him is the cause of our failure and desolation. [read more online]
The Heart of the Divine Revelation – an overview of the four focal books
We are not here to pursue a religion or a moral and godly life. In the Old Testament we see many teachings to help people live a pious life. The Psalmists lived a pious and godly life, they loved Jehovah, they walked with God, they delighted int he law of God – but in the New Testament we see a life in which we live out the Christ we enjoy and experience! This is the heart of the Bible! The Lord’s recovery is not to recover anything else but the knowing and experiencing Christ in all our daily living! [read online a short review of the first message from the 2012 International Chinese-speaking Conference in Taiwan]
the Lord’s name is excellent in all the earth when we enjoy Christ and the church life!
The last verse of Psalms 8 and the conclusion of this psalm is, “O Jehovah our Lord, how excellent is Your name in all the earth!” This short psalm speaks about God’s intention to join the earth to the heavens and to bring down the heavens to the earth, making these two one. For this, […]
God presents Himself to man as the tree of life – God in Christ is good for us to eat and enjoy!
In Genesis chapter 2 we see a tree in the middle of the garden called, The Tree Of Life, in front of which man was placed. When God created man in His image and with His likeness, He intended that man would express Him and represent Him (Gen. 1:26) – and the way for man […]