Our God is a God of peace, and His peaceful nature is in us; the peace of God is the God of peace infused into us through our fellowship with Him in prayer, and even though we have affliction in the world, in Him we have peace. We need to come to the Lord so […]
Our God is a God of Peace; in the World we have Affliction but in Christ we have Peace
The Secret to have the Vital-Group Church Life – Feasting on Christ as Peace Offering

As those who enjoy Christ as the peace offering, we need to learn the secret of how to have the vital-group church life as a house of feasting, where Christ and us (His lovers) can have rest and satisfaction. Christ is our peace offering – He is the peace between God and God’s people for […]
Don’t be Anxious but by Prayer and Petition with Thanksgiving Tell God your Requests

As believers in Christ who enjoy and experience Christ as our peace offering, we need to be anxious in nothing, but in everything – by prayer and petition with thanksgiving – we should let our requests be made known to God, and the peace of God will guard our hearts and thoughts in Christ Jesus […]
Forbearance is Christ: let the Christ whom we Live and Magnify be Known to all men

It is so wonderful to enjoy Christ as our peace offering, for Christ is our peace, and Christ is forbearance; forbearance is Christ, and for us today to live Christ is to live forbearance, which brings in peace. How do we have peace? We should not try to have peace the way people in the […]
Learning to Enjoy Christ as our Peace Offering by Speaking with the Lord Constantly

We need to learn to enjoy Christ as our peace offering; we are joined to the Lord, even one spirit with Him, and in this organic union we tell Him everything, and as we open to Him, His peace guards our heart. Christ Himself is the peace between God and us, His people, for our […]