When we love the Lord, He will manifest Himself to us, and He and the Father will come and make an abode with us; we need to love the Lord and be saved to the uttermost to have His manifestation to us again and again, even all the time. As believers in Christ, it […]
Being a Lover of the Lord and having His Manifestation to us, His Present Presence
Love is the Most Excellent Way to Be and Do anything for the Building up of the Body

The Lord Jesus as the Good Shepherd is today being reproduced and multiplied in us all as His sheep, His believers, by our cooperation with Him through the exercise of our spirit to be one with the Lord as the inward organic shepherd. Once it was only ONE Good Shepherd, but this One has become […]
being a Christian student on the campus – God, our education, and our character
Before coming to the UK to study independently, I had my parents to “push me to study” all the time. But when there is no one to make me study, I had to make myself study. A sister’s word constantly reminds me that I am studying for the Lord and not for myself. This is because many times I am carried away by ambition and anxiety. The workload may be overwhelming at times, but we must always remember to turn back to the Lord [continue reading a student’s testimony of balancing the church life with the university life]