Adorn and Consummate the New Jerusalem by Enjoying, Experiencing, and Ministering Christ

As believers in Christ, we can adorn and consummate the New Jerusalem by enjoying Christ, experiencing Christ, and ministering Christ for the building up of the church. The consummation of the Bible is the final building of God, the New Jerusalem; eventually, the Triune God and redeemed humanity will be mingled, blended, and built up […]

We need to Think the one Thing: Enjoy and Experience Christ for the Church Life

 In order for us to be one in soul, we need to think the one thing, which is the subjective knowledge, experience, and enjoyment of Christ; we need to think the one thing – pursuing Christ, gaining Christ, laying hold of Christ, and possessing Christ. It is quite impossible for all men to think […]

Enjoy Christ in our Soul and Experience Christ in our Spirit for the Furtherance of the Gospel

 We experience Christ in our spirit but we enjoy Him mainly in our soul; we need to learn to enjoy Christ in our soul by having one soul and having fellowship unto the furtherance of the gospel in a corporate way. Amen! This week in our morning revival we come to the topic of, […]

Enjoy and Experience Christ as our Life and Everything by Exercising our Spirit

 We need to see and realize inwardly that God doesn’t want anything other than Christ Himself; His goal is to recover Christ as everything to us, and this Christ needs to be subjective to us as the Spirit. Like the apostle Paul, we need to pursue Christ, seek to know Him, enjoy Him, and […]

Christ is the Desire of God’s Heart – we are here for the Expression of Christ!

 Christ is the desire of God’s heart, for God desires that every person and thing in the universe would express Christ; we exist for the expression of Christ, and Christ is the reality of every positive thing in the universe. Hallelujah! This week we start a new Holy Word for Morning Revival inspired from […]

Enjoy and Share the Rich and Sweet Christ, the Land Flowing with Milk and Honey

 The good land of Canaan is a type of the all-inclusive Christ; it is a land flowing with milk and honey, for Christ is so good, so sweet, and so rich for us to enjoy, experience, partake of, and minister to one another in the church life for the building up of the church. […]

Christ Produces Himself in us as we Enjoy the Lord and Maintain our Fellowship with Him

 As believers in Christ, we need to labour on Christ as the land to produce Christ, realizing that Christ produces Himself in us through our labour as we contact the Lord every morning and fellowship with Him throughout the day. Amen! Our Christ is not just our Savior, our Lord, and our King; He […]