The church is the kingdom of God on earth today, and the church has a great responsibility: the church needs to subdue the power of darkness and bring God’s will to the earth. Amen! The kingdom of God is very much related to the church today; the kingdom and the church are closely interrelated. In […]
The Church should Pray to Bring in the Kingdom and Subdue Satan’s Power of Darkness
Pray Effective Prayers by Abiding in the Lord for Him to Express Himself through us

Today we can pray effective prayers by abiding in the Lord so that He may express Himself through us in our prayer. Effective prayers are the issue of our abiding in the Lord and of His words abiding in us; prayer is allowing God to express Himself through us and thus accomplish His purpose, for […]
Prevailing Prayers are the Result of Abiding in the Lord and His Words abiding in us

All prevailing prayers – the prayers that can be counted effective before God – are the result of our abiding in the Lord and allowing His words to abide in us; in this way, His desire becomes our desire, and we will pray what He desires for Him to do what He wants to do. […]
enjoyment from “Five Principles of Effective Prayer”, podcast #21 at
Did you manage to listen to podcast #21 from In this podcast we see that there are at least five main principles for effective prayer – our effective gospel preaching depends on our effective prayer. Our prayers must be effective in order for our gospel preaching to be effective. You can download this podcast […]