As the Corporate Seed of Abraham, we must Walk in the Steps of that Faith as our father

 Christ is the seed of Abraham, the son of Abraham, and because we’re in Christ and Christ is in us, we believers in Christ are the corporate seed of Abraham enjoying the all-inclusive Christ as the life-giving Spirit as our portion and walking in the steps of our father Abraham! Amen! This week we […]

Look away unto the Ascended Christ to Run the Heavenly Race and be Perfected in Faith

 As we look away unto the ascended Christ, He as the Perfecter of our faith will complete this faith in us; He is the One on the throne with many qualifications and attainments, and when we look away unto Him, He infuses us with Himself and makes us able to run the heavenly race […]

Living A Life of Hope by Faith – Faith is the Conviction of the Things Hoped for

 Hallelujah, we can live a life of hope by faith, for faith is the substantiation of things not seen – the conviction of things hoped for! Amen! Faith is the substantiation of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen – faith is the evidence, the proof, of things unseen, and our life […]

Faith is Christ Infused into us to Believe for us and Enable us to Taste and Touch God

 Faith is Christ infused into us to believe for us in a very subjective way; faith is a sixth sense, a substantiating ability by which we give substance to the things unseen or hoped for, and our spirit of faith is the organ by which we substantiate everything in the unseen spiritual world. Hallelujah, […]

Run the Christian Race by Looking Away unto Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of Faith

 We can live the Christian life and run the Christian race by looking away unto Jesus with undivided attention by turning away from every other object and thing that distracts us from Him; He is the Author, Originator, source, and cause of our faith! Hallelujah! On one hand, we need to realize that our […]

Run the Race with Endurance to Gain the Prize, Putting away any Encumbrance and Sin

 The Christian life is a race, and we all must put away every encumbrance and sin to run the race with endurance to win the prize, which is the full enjoyment and experience of Christ. Amen! We need to run with endurance the race that is set before us. In running the race, what […]

As People of Faith, we have a Great Cloud of Witnesses and Enjoy the Lord’s Presence

 As believers in Christ who run the race of the Christian life, we have a great cloud of witnesses surrounding us and we have the Lord’s presence leading us as people of faith to lead us in following the Lord. Praise the Lord! This week in our morning revival we come to a new […]