The tree of knowledge of good and evil signifies Satan as the source of death to man, and it includes everything apart from God, behind which Satan can hide to bring in death; only God is the genuine good, and gaining God equals gaining the genuine good. Amen! As believers in Christ, we are […]
Rejecting the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and Choosing the Genuine Good, God
Choose to Partake of Christ as the Tree of Life to be Constituted with Him for His Expression
Our great God gives us freedom of choice: we can either partake of the tree of life or of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; when we take Christ as the tree of life, we enjoy Him and are constituted with Him, and we accomplish His eternal intention. Amen! This week […]
Ministering Life by Shepherding others according to God (Cherishing and Nourishing)
To live by faith, following in the steps of Abraham’s faith, we need to fight for the brother by interceding for them and ministering life to them; we minister life to others by shepherding others according to God, by cherishing and nourishing them. We need to realize that we are sons of Abraham, his […]
We Live by Faith by Fighting for the Brother as a Response to Christ’s Interceding
For us as believers in Christ to live by faith as Abraham did, we need to be those fighting for the brother as a response to Christ’s interceding for us and saving us in His life. On one hand, we need to follow in the steps of that faith of Abraham by living the […]
Live the Tent Life in the Church Life waiting for the New Jerusalem, our Real Country
As believers in Christ, we are sojourners on earth living the tent life in the church life as the reality of the Tent of Meeting, and we’re waiting for its ultimate consummation, the New Jerusalem. If we fail and forsake the altar and the tent, we can simply return to the Lord, have His […]
Walking in the Steps of Abraham’s Faith by Living the Life of the Altar and the Tent
If we believers in Christ would walk in the steps of Abraham’s faith, we must be those who live the life of the altar and the tent; we need to put everything on the altar and use what the Lord allows to remain in the tent for His purpose. Abraham is our father in […]
We need to have God’s Appearing to Infuse Faith into us and Cause to Live by Faith
As believers in Christ, we need to have God’s appearing, His transfusing Himself into us, so that we may have a living by faith for His perfect will to build up the church as the Body of Christ. Amen! According to the New Testament, Abraham is the father of faith, and the is the […]