O, Lord, we can testify because we have surely tasted – Yes, God is Good for Food! Lord Jesus, You are the tree of life – so ready and available for us to enjoy and take in. Save us from eating anything else besides You as life [continue reading online]
God in Christ is the tree of life, small enough for us to eat, take in, and live because of Him!
the blood of Christ is for our redemption and His flesh/His life is for our life supply!
In the Old Testament we have the type of the people of Israel being delivered out of Egypt (Exo. 12) – before God delivered them, they received specific instructions regarding how to prepare the Passover lamb. They had to kill the lamb and put the blood on the door posts and then they had to […]
God needs us not to do great works for Him, but rather He needs us to eat Him and to drink Him
God desires that we would just enjoy Him! We see this clearly in the picture presented at both ends of the Bible: in the beginning, in Genesis, we see a man before the tree of life, and there’s a river that waters all the garden and reaches out to the whole earth! At the end […]
college-age conference testimony – we can cooperate with the Lord for Him to get His building
During the past College-age conference in Bower House I really enjoyed the fact that God’s building is the desire of God’s heart and the goal of God’s Salvation. God wants to have His building and He needs our cooperation as His people. We need to go through an entire journey in order to become the […]
Hallelujah, eating Jesus is the way! Today, we just need to eat and drink and enjoy Christ

Hallelujah, eating Jesus is the way! Lately I’ve been enjoying eating the Lord Jesus! The first thing we should do when we wake up is eat the Lord! We should call on His name and touch Him first thing in the morning. Recently I’ve been practicing this and realizing this is really what the Lord […]
the real worship of God is to eat Him and drink Him in our spirit
Recently I have been very impressed with God’s desire and seeking for worshippers – those who worship Him in spirit and in truthfulness. God wants us to worship Him, yet nowhere in the Bible we are told that we need to prostrate ourselves before Him and bow down/kneel down to worship Him. Rather, both the […]
We need to eat Jesus every day as the tree of life, He is our real food!
God’s original intention in His creation of man can be seen in Genesis – after He created man, He placed man in a garden with lots of trees good for food! God gave man only one “commandment” – take care of your eating! Don’t eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, […]