There is one Body in the universe, and whenever we come to the Lord’s table, we come to practice the unique fellowship of the universal Body of Christ, for as we partake of His blood and body at His table, we express and practice the unique fellowship among the churches. Hallelujah for the one Body […]
We Practice the Unique Fellowship of the Universal Body of Christ at the Lord’s Table
Seeing that our Real Need is to Eat Jesus and not Asking Him to “Do Things for us”

In the Gospels we see how the Lord Jesus had a wonderful God-man human living, constantly taking the opportunity to reveal Himself as being the reality of every positive thing in the universe. If we read the Gospels carefully we will see more than 200 aspects of the Lord Jesus; He is the Bridegroom, the […]
the tree of life is the way to fulfill God’s purpose and it is so rich and sufficient!
Nothing is more central and crucial to God and also to man than than the tree of life (Gen. 3:22; Rev. 2:14). God’s purpose can be fulfilled only by man taking in the tree of life and allowing this life to live in him! God putting man in front of the tree of life after creating him shows that the way God wants His purpose to be fulfilled is by coming into man in the form of food to supply man and be everything to man! [continue reading online + add your own portion of enjoyment]
we need to eat Christ as the Lamb of God with all the saints in the house of God!(2011 Poland camp)
This Poland camp I was very touched that the Lord is ready to come – He is eager to come, but He needs a dispensational instrument to turn this age! The enemy is working against God’s will and his strategy is to interrupt our cooperation with the Lord according to His desire. Today’s world is Satan’s system […]
I no longer want to be under Satan’s grip: I decide to be a Nazarite! (sharing from the Poland camp)
Every year we have the privilege of being with the Lord on the mountain – almost literally, in the mountains of Tatry in Poland, in a small village in Male Ciche, with hundreds of young lovers of the Lord! Coming from Europe mainly and also from other continents, we spend one whole week going through […]
fleeing Egypt and being delivered from the subjective Pharaoh by keeping the feast!(2011 Poland camp)
Thank You Lord for Your speaking during the recent Poland Camp! May Your Words be rooted in our hearts… I am so thankful to the Lord that I had the privilege to be at the Poland camp this year – to see the younger ones and even the older ones to be enlightened through the Lord’s […]
our dear Lord Jesus Christ is Jehovah God, the great I AM; He is whatever we need!

In the Old Testament, when God called Moses to go and take His people out of Egypt and into the good land, as a reply to Moses’ question, Who should I say to this people when they ask me: Who sent you to us? – God replied in Exodus 3:14: And God said to Moses, I […]