In His economy God desires to dispense Himself into our being so that He would become the very fiber and cell of our inner being; for this to happen, we need to eat, digest, and assimilate Christ to be constituted with Him in order to express Him and represent Him. Eating is a very important […]
God becomes our Life by Entering into us Organically to be Assimilated into our Being
Being Brought to the Throne by Experiencing the Humanity of Jesus with its Virtues

God’s desire is not only to save us from eternal perdition but to bring us to the throne; for us to be brought to the throne, we need to experience the humanity of Jesus with its virtues, and we need to reign in life. God’s goal is to bring us to the throne; His desire […]
Eating Christ as the Bread of God’s Presence, God’s Face, to Serve God as Priests

All believers are priests to God, and it is our responsibility as priests to both set up and enjoy the bread of the presence before God. As priests to God and members of the Body of Christ, we need to be built up together with the saints, and in this built-up situation in the church […]
We All need to Learn to Feed on Christ: By Eating Jesus we Become His Testimony!

The table of the bread of the presence (also called the showbread table) in the Holy Place in the tabernacle is a very sweet and satisfying place to be, because there’s always food there – permanently! In this item of the furnishings of the tabernacle we see how God in Christ wants to be enjoyed […]
The Christ we Eat, Enjoy, Digest, and Assimilate today will be an Eternal Memorial

God supplied His people Israel with manna every day during their journey through the wilderness; every morning the manna descended from heavens, and the children of Israel had to gather enough for one day. How wonderful it was to eat heavenly food day by day! Furthermore, God commanded His people to take an omerful of […]
The Tree of Life Signifies Christ as Life to Man – He’s So Available and Satisfying!

In Genesis 1 we see God’s intention and His purpose, and in Genesis 2 we see the way God accomplishes His intention. The way God obtains a man in His image to express Him and represent Him is by man taking in God as the tree of life to be filled with Him and live […]
Being Victorious over the Demonic Diet by Eating Jesus and Having Companions

In the book of Daniel we see how Daniel and his three companions overcame Satan’s devices and were absolutely one with God. In chapter after chapter and case after case, they chose to stand with God and for His interest, and God was with them. Even though king Nebuchadnezzar changed their names from godly names […]