In Lev. 6:14-23 we see the law of the meal offering, which actually corresponds to the law of the Spirit of life, showing us that in the enjoyment of Christ we should not be lawless but should be regulated by the law of life. The laws of the offerings are ordinances and regulations regarding our […]
The Law of the Meal Offering: Holy Priests Eat Christ with God in the Church life
Eating Christ as the Hidden Manna Transforms us into a White Stone bearing a New Name

It is so encouraging to see the Lord’s promise to the overcomers in the church in Pergamos, who are enjoying Christ as the hidden manna to be transformed into a white stone, approved by God, suitable for God’s building, having a name written on it that only the overcomer and the Lord knows. May we […]
Overcoming to eat Christ as the Hidden Manna to be Incorporated into New Jerusalem

To each of the seven churches He writes to in Rev. 2-3 the Lord promises a particular kind of reward for the overcomers; to those in Pergamos, who overcome the degradation in the worldly church holding the teaching of Balaam and of the Nicolaitans, the Lord promises to give them of the hidden manna and […]
Eating Nothing but Christ to be Reconstituted with Him and Build up the Church

God cares more for what we are than for what we can do for Him; thus, God cares very much for what we eat because what we eat determines what we live by and what we become. When God created Adam, He didn’t give him a to-do list but put him in front of the […]
the Body of Christ builds itself up through all the members growing and functioning in their measure
Many Christians wondered and studied this very important question, How can we build up the Body of Christ? Yes, the Lord Jesus said in Matt. 16:18 that He will build up His church, but how can we as members of the Body contribute to the building up of the Body of Christ? Yes, there are […]