By giving His people only manna to eat in the wilderness, God dealt with their flesh and at the same time reconstituted them with the heavenly food; by eating Christ as the unique heavenly food, our flesh is dealt with and displaced, and we are reconstituted with Christ to become the dwelling place of God. […]
Eating Christ as our Unique Food Displaces the Flesh and Reconstitutes us with Christ
We need to Maintain the eating of Christ as the Tree of Life in the Church Life

At the end of the Lord’s epistle to the church in Ephesus He calls for the overcomers, promising them to eat of the tree of life which is in the Paradise of God (Rev. 2:7); today we as believers in Christ need to maintain the eating of Christ as the tree of life in the […]
When we Pray we need to be in God, have God in us, and Offer Christ as Incense to God

The Lord Jesus in His heavenly ministry is interceding for us; He is at the golden incense altar offering prayers and intercessions for God’s interest, His administration, His people, and everything that is in God’s heart. Actually, Christ Himself is the reality of the incense altar: He is the One who constantly prays, constantly intercedes, […]
Eating Christ and Displaying Him as the Bread of the Presence to God and His People

The table of the bread of the presence – also called “the showbread table” – is literally the “face-bread”, the bread of God’s face. God wants His people to present to Him fresh bread for Him to feed on and for His people to feed on in His presence. This is wonderful! On the one […]
The Bread of the Presence: Christ is the Food for the Believers as Priests to God

It is vitally important for us to realize that we daily need to eat Christ, feed on Him, take Him in, and enjoy Him as spiritual food. Just as physically we need to eat daily – and even more than one time every day – so spiritually we need to eat Christ, digest Him, and […]
We All need to Learn to Feed on Christ: By Eating Jesus we Become His Testimony!

The table of the bread of the presence (also called the showbread table) in the Holy Place in the tabernacle is a very sweet and satisfying place to be, because there’s always food there – permanently! In this item of the furnishings of the tabernacle we see how God in Christ wants to be enjoyed […]
Daily Eating and Enjoying Christ as the Reality of all the Offerings for our Food

Jesus Christ, our High Priest, testified that the living Father sent Him and He lived because of the Father; He ate the Father and lived because of the Father, and now we as the sons of God and priests to God need to eat Christ and live because of Him (John 6:57). Our food as […]