The secret of living the Christian life to be an overcomer is for us to take the way of eating and enjoying Christ as the tree of life; we can eat Him as our spiritual food by eating His words of spirit and life through musing on God’s word. Amen! This week we come […]
Eating and Enjoying Christ as the Tree of Life by Musing on the Word of God Daily
Enjoy Christ as our Life Supply by Breathing in the Lord as the Spirit in His Word

As believers in Christ, we live in the Divine Trinity by enjoying Christ as our life supply; we live in the Divine Trinity by breathing the Lord in, by eating and drinking Him, and by taking Him in as our life and life supply. This week in our morning revival we come to another […]
The Christ we Eat as Manna makes us His Overcomers and becomes an Eternal Memorial

When we eat the open manna (the manna that is available for us openly every day), we gain the hidden manna (the manna that we have eaten, digested, and assimilated) and are being produced as the overcomers of today; the Christ we enjoy and assimilate becomes an eternal memorial before God. The matter of manna […]
Enjoying Christ as the Rich Provision of Life: He is the Secret of our Sufficiency

Jacob’s prophesying with blessing concerning each of his sons applies both to the history and experience of the twelve tribes of Israel and to our Christian experience in the church today. We all start in a low and sinful way, as dead in sins and offenses, living in the lusts of our flesh (Reuben) and having […]
God’s Main Concern is with our Eating and not with our Working, Doing, or Behavior

After God created man and planted the garden of Eden where He put man, the only thing Genesis tells us concerning God’s intention for man was that man would take care of his eating (see Gen. 2:17). God did not tell man to behave this way or that way, neither did He give commandments to […]
we all have the capacity to prophesy as we eat, drink, and enjoy the Lord

1 Cor. 14:31 says, For you can all prophesy one by one that all may learn and all may be encouraged. This shows us that we as believers in the Lord have a capacity that enables us to speak for the Lord and speak Christ to others. We need to see that the divine life […]
being a Christian Student on the campus – eating and drinking Christ, and staying in the Body!
As a Christian living in this current age, sometimes we might experience a failure of our spiritual life. Sometimes we might trip and fall a bit. Just remember the power of the blood of Jesus Christ. Just remember that even the apostle Paul said “Not that I have already obtained or am already perfected” and then the next phrase says, “But I pursue.” Yes! We can pursue! We have the right to pursue our precious Lord! Pursue Him with the saints! Let us forget the things behind, stretch forward to the things before, and pursue toward the goal together to the New Jerusalem. [continue reading this article online]