The primary purpose for which the Lord Jesus came down out of heaven to the earth was to give Himself to us as food, the bread of life, for us to eat Him as our spiritual nourishment and digest Him to become our constitution. Hallelujah! This week in our morning revival we come to John […]
The Lord is the Bread of Life for us to Eat and Digest to be Constituted with Him
Renewed in God’s Living Word for our Growth and Transformation in Life to be a New Man

We need to be renewed in God’s living word for our growth in life and transformation in life to be a new man who enjoys and partakes of the good land, the all-inclusive Christ. After the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness, the second generation had a renewed training given by God through […]
Keeping the Lord’s Word and being Perfected in His Love by Expressing it in our Living

As believers in Christ, we need to keep the Lord’s word and be perfected in His love by expressing it in our daily living, that is, by habitually loving one another. We need to be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect by being perfected in His love; when we abide in the Lord’s […]
One with God in the Principle of the Tree of Life by Depending on God in Everything

The book of Jeremiah shows us the principle of being one with God, which is the principle of the tree of life versus the principle of the tree of knowledge of good and evil (see Jer. 2:13); we must be those depending on God in everything. God wants to be one with man and He […]
The Word of God we Eat becomes the Gladness and Joy of our Heart: God is our Joy!

When we eat, digest, assimilate and are constituted with the Lord’s words, is word becomes to us the gladness and joy of our heart, for the Lord’s joy becomes our joy, and we have joy in the Holy Spirit. It is very important for us as believers in Christ to read the Bible, and our […]
God’s Word is the Divine Supply as Food for us to Eat, Digest, and Assimilate God

God’s word is the divine supply as food to nourish us, for God’s words are good for us to eat; when we come to read the Bible, we must come to the Lord for life so that we may eat Him as the bread of life. In John 6 the Lord Jesus revealed that He […]
Find the Lord’s Words and Eat Them: the Words the Lord speaks to us are Spirit and Life

The Word of God, the Bible, is our divine supply to be our food; the Bible is God’s speaking, the word that proceeds out of is mouth, it is the embodiment of God in Christ as the Spirit, and the words spoken to us by the Lord are spirit and life. This week we come […]