God’s economy is a matter of Christ coming into us inwardly to dispense Himself into us by the way of eating; the Lord needs to recover our eating of Him so that we may eat the Lord as our food and not focus primarily on doctrines or outward practices. The matter of eating is […]
Read and Pray God’s Word to Eat the Lord as our Food and Receive God’s Dispensing
Keep our being Open to the Lord to have Proper Spiritual Digestion and Absorb Christ

As believers in Christ who are learning to eat the Lord as the tree of life, we need to have proper spiritual digestion by keeping our being open to the Lord so that the spiritual food would be absorbed into us and we would be constituted with Christ. The secret to our Christian life, […]
Stay on the Way of Life by Loving the Lord to the Uttermost and by Eating Him in His Word

We stay on the way of life by loving the Lord to the uttermost, drawing others to run after Him, and by eating Jesus through pray-reading on the Word, musing on God’s word, and ministering the Word as the Spirit into others. As believers in Christ, those who have been grafted into Christ, we […]
Christ as the Heavenly Manna is Small, Balanced, Refreshing, Solid, Bright, and Tasty!

The only food God gives us today in our Christian journey is Christ as the heavenly manna; this food is balanced, good, small enough to eat, perfect, without any mixture, cooling and refreshing us, full of life, solid, bright and transparent, tasty, and nourishing. We may think that we may need something else besides manna, […]
Having a New Beginning every Morning by Contacting the Lord in His word to Eat Him

We need to have a new beginning with the Lord every day to “gather the manna”, that is, to enjoy the Lord in a fresh and new way to feed on Him and be nourished with Him in His Word. In the Old Testament – and actually in the entire Bible – the manna was […]
We become Overcomers and are Cleansed by Eating Christ as the All-inclusive Bread

When we eat the kingly Christ as the all-inclusive bread, we are cleansed inwardly, we are washed, and we become His overcomers; the unique way to be an overcomer is by eating Jesus. We need to stay away from death and eat Christ as our living bread, and any death will be swallowed up. The […]
We need to Experience the Spirit of Jesus to have the Humanity of Jesus for God’s building

The key for us to experience the humanity of Jesus for God’s building, that is, the secret for us to be Jesusly human for God to gain a corporate expression, is for us to experience the Spirit of Jesus. What God is after in this universe is a building, a corporate expression in humanity, and […]