The ultimate incorporation of the processed and consummated Triune God with the regenerated and transformed people is the New Jerusalem, and we’re incorporated into the New Jerusalem, the universal incorporation, by eating Christ as the hidden manna. Wow, Hallelujah! God’s desire, His ultimate purpose, is high and lofty, but the way to attain it […]
Being Incorporated into the New Jerusalem, the Ultimate Incorporation of God and Man
Eat Christ as the Hidden Manna to Overcome the World to Become the building of God

By living in our spirit and eating Christ as the hidden manna, we can overcome the world to become the building of God consummating in the New Jerusalem. Amen! As believers in Christ, we have been regenerated with the divine, eternal, incorruptible life of God, and today we need to live by this divine […]
Read and Pray God’s Word to Eat the Lord as our Food and Receive God’s Dispensing

God’s economy is a matter of Christ coming into us inwardly to dispense Himself into us by the way of eating; the Lord needs to recover our eating of Him so that we may eat the Lord as our food and not focus primarily on doctrines or outward practices. The matter of eating is […]
The Overcomers Experience the Divine Economy in the Church Life for the New Creation

As believers in Christ, we need to be the overcomers who experience the divine economy in the church life for the new creation to be produced out of the old creation. The divine economy is to produce the new creation out of the chaotic old creation, for God’s desire in His heart is to […]
Our Life is Hidden with Christ in God; we need to Take Christ as Life and Live Him

As believers in Christ, our life is the Christ who dwells within us, and this life is hidden with Christ in God; we need to take Him as life and live by Him in our daily life. When we were regenerated, we were brought into another realm, the realm of the divine life, the realm […]
The Christ we Eat as Manna makes us His Overcomers and becomes an Eternal Memorial

When we eat the open manna (the manna that is available for us openly every day), we gain the hidden manna (the manna that we have eaten, digested, and assimilated) and are being produced as the overcomers of today; the Christ we enjoy and assimilate becomes an eternal memorial before God. The matter of manna […]
We take Christ as our Dwelling Place and Love Him to Abide in Christ and Him in us

For us to abide in Christ and for Christ to abide in us, we need to take Christ as our dwelling place and everything, we need to eat Christ as the hidden manna, and we need to love the Lord Jesus. In John 15 the Lord Jesus said, Abide in Me and I in you; […]